Robo-Venture is a platformer action game where you follow Robo, a sentient robot who's stranded on an alien planet. Missing the 4 fuel cells to relaunch his rocket, take control of Robo to escape the wasteland! And on your journey, discover the history of your enemies and the world.
Timeframe: March 2024 - April 2024 (6 Weeks)
Team Size: 9 people
Roles: Creative Director - Lead Programmer
Scope: 5 minute experience with 3 levels and 3 mechanics
Repository: Github
Gameplay Programming.
Abilities descend from the same class with basic features covering UI event broadcasting, input and animation abstract functions, and cool downs.
Each ability sub-class overwrite abstract functions to have individualized actions while retaining the same system logic.
The special abilities included were: Dash, Hookshot, Charge Punch. The generic abilities were: Jump, 3-Punch Combo.
I also created Enemy AI that is responsive to the player entering certain areas and acts as a swarm. Swarms are activate when the player enters the Green Radius, the combat trigger. The blue is the area for passive roaming and is assigned per enemy.
UI design.
The Abilities UI was designed to be a Slot System, where the slots would populate as new abilities were used, and was made using a Stack container and 4 locations on the HUD for it to show up on.
The Player’s Health Bar decrements in discrete chunks, both for readability and aesthetic purposes as it mimics the looks of a battery.
I also implemented menus for: Pausing, Options, Credits, and Start.
Organization in Unity.
As Lead Programmer, I was in-engine the most and was responsible for organizing folders and scripts to make it designer friendly.
I made use of Unity Attributes to organize the Inspector into sections with headers, and adding tooltips on different variables.